Dial 9 is our communications company specialising in VoIP solutions for small to medium sized businesses in the UK.

Featured posts from Dial 9

Choosing the right VoIP device

Posted in May 2023 

When it comes to connecting to a VoIP service provider for calls, you can actually do so via a variety of different means. In the most simple terms, the only...

Getting ready for the big switchover from copper 

Posted in June 2023 

As you may already know, the UK telephone network is currently undergoing a series of major changes. Primarily, the backbone of the network, is being switched from analogue to digital....

All the latest posts from Dial 9

Advice for Resolving VoIP Service Issues with Your Provider

Posted on the 12th November 

Are you having issues with your VoIP system? Is it issues with call quality, connectivity, setup or something else? Our guide helps you identify the issue and how you can work with your VoIP provider to resolve it.

5 Tips for Choosing a VoIP Provider with Reliable Support

Posted on the 5th September 

Discover 5 essential tips for choosing a VoIP provider with reliable support. Designed for small businesses, this guide helps you find the best VoIP solution to enhance communication, reduce costs, and ensure seamless customer support.

A flexible solution ‑ Water Babies and Dial 9 Case Study

Posted on the 21st August 

How moving to Dial 9 VoIP Business Phone System has allowed Water Babies to work more flexibly and efficiently, allowing its employees to have a better work-life balance while knowing they have a reliable way to keep in touch.

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