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Ruby Tips & Tricks (part 1)

Posted in November 2014 

Every day I use a huge number of different Ruby features and I take them for granted. It's not until you are thrown into the world of PHP or vanilla...

Uploading files in your Rails application

Posted in March 2017 

Uploading files into your Rails application has never been easier, and with the a wealth of useful gems around to help there's no better time to be working with files.

How to install Staytus from scratch

Posted in March 2017 

Staytus is the open source publishing platform that I developed last year when we needed something simple to help us communicate with our customers when issues arise with our service....

All the latest posts from aTech Media

Smoothieware on MKS SBASE

Posted in November 2018 

As part of an ongoing project to build a Pick and Place machine, I decided to use Smoothieware for motion control. Smoothieware is a great piece of software that runs...

aTech Media & the GDPR

Posted in April 2018 

As you will no doubt be aware, a new set of data protection regulations known as the GDPR will be arriving on the 25th May. These regulations are wide reaching...

Postal ‑ our open source mail platform

Posted in June 2017 

We're delighted to announce that we've just open sourced our e-mail delivery platform, Postal. Postal is a complete and fully featured mail server for use by websites & web servers....

Event driven servers in Ruby

Posted in June 2017 

We use a lot of different server software here to accomplish various tasks. In the case of web servers, there is a great deal of excellent software available to achieve...

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