Useful numbers to reach global services in Dial 9
As you may already be aware, we have a number of Useful Numbers in the Dial 9 platform that a connected device can dial to use certain features, for example...
Our products pack a punch when it comes to features and it would be easy to miss some of them. Here we post helpful tips & tricks about how to use our products & services.
Displaying posts 61 - 72 of 92 in total
As you may already be aware, we have a number of Useful Numbers in the Dial 9 platform that a connected device can dial to use certain features, for example...
Recently, we added a number of features across all our services relating to our work for the GDPR coming at the end of May. This mostly included security features such...
In Dial 9, you can easily look up the costs of calling a number before you dial it. To do so, head to your Call fo lookup page under Billing...
A tutorial to help you create a simple custom event system using es6 JavaScript
With Codebase, you can manage your code and repository changes easily, with a number of different tools included in the web interface.
If you're working on a new feature, or pushing a bug fix to your site, branching is a great way to ensure you don't cause any issues with your main...
Interaction with version control systems are often made using a terminal in your operating system. However, some developers may be prefer to user a graphical based interface with their workflow.
In this blog post, we'll be outlining a number of key terms that everyone should know when using a version control system in your development workflow.
In Dial 9, there are several numbers that can be dialled from a connected phone, which allow you to access global services, as well configure additional services. These are referred...
When collaborating with co-workers on a development project, you may have experienced frustrations when someone overwrites your work, or when you have to constantly swap files, or even having to...
When receiving calls to your business, it can be useful to know the purpose of the call before you answer it. One of the best ways to achieve this with...
There are a number of issues you might run into when adding a new server to your Deploy project, which we'll be outlining further in this post. To start, we'll...