What are the Core Web Vitals?
Web Vitals, is a Google-led initiative intended to help provide help and guidance when it comes to improving user experience when browsing your website.
Website performance and monitoring tool
Web Vitals, is a Google-led initiative intended to help provide help and guidance when it comes to improving user experience when browsing your website.
The Time to Interactive metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when all of its main sub-resources have loaded, and it is able to respond to user input in an acceptable time.
Cumulative Layout Shift measures the sum of all individual layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift during the lifespan of the page. A layout shift occurs any time an element visibly changes its position between rendered frames.
Total Blocking Time measures the total time it takes for the page to become responsive to user input such as mouse clicks or keyboard presses.
The Speed Index metric measures how quickly the page content is displayed when a user navigates to the page.
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