
We like to help people so we try to publish useful tutorials about how to use our products, open source libraries or how to accomplish various design & development tasks.

Displaying posts 13 - 24 of 87 in total

What is Cumulative Layout Shift?

Posted in April 2021 on the Metritool blog

Cumulative Layout Shift measures the sum of all individual layout shift scores for every unexpected layout shift during the lifespan of the page. A layout shift occurs any time an element visibly changes its position between rendered frames.

What is Total Blocking Time?

Posted in April 2021 on the Metritool blog

Total Blocking Time measures the total time it takes for the page to become responsive to user input such as mouse clicks or keyboard presses.

What is Speed Index?

Posted in April 2021 on the Metritool blog

The Speed Index metric measures how quickly the page content is displayed when a user navigates to the page.

What is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)?

Posted in April 2021 on the Metritool blog

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Lighthouse performance metric measures the time it takes for the largest element in the viewport to be rendered, from when the page initially starts loading.

What is First Contentful Paint (FCP)? 

Posted in April 2021 on the Metritool blog

Capturing an aspect of page load speed, First Contentful Paint (FCP) is one of the six metrics tracked within the “Performance” section of the Lighthouse report.

Introducing Katapult File Storage

Posted in October 2020 on the Katapult blog

Following several months in development the team at Katapult are pleased to announce our latest storage offering. Introducing our Elastic File System (KEFS), suitable for your file storage needs.