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Displaying posts 145 - 156 of 567 in total

The Krystal Team goes Climate Positive!

Posted in January 2021 on the Krystal blog

Thanks to our partnership with Ecologi, we’re proud to announce that Krystal is officially a Climate Positive Workforce! But what does that mean exactly?

The mystery of VoIP acronyms and jargon solved

Posted in December 2020 on the Dial 9 blog

VoIP. SIP. PBX. Softphones. Technical jargon can be the bane of any industry, and telecommunications is no different. Okay, perhaps not as much as corporate culture in general… thinking outside...

Krystal’s 36 hours awake for Shelter

Posted in December 2020 on the Krystal blog

On Friday 27th November 2020, a group of brave Krystal volunteers stayed awake for 36 hours to raise funds for Shelter, the UK’s leading homelessness charity.

Introducing Katapult File Storage

Posted in October 2020 on the Katapult blog

Following several months in development the team at Katapult are pleased to announce our latest storage offering. Introducing our Elastic File System (KEFS), suitable for your file storage needs.

Host your SVN repositories with Codebase

Posted in September 2020 on the Codebase blog

A number of long-time and new customers have been in touch with us recently about the discontinuation of CloudForge and in particular, that they need an alternative place to host...

Networking for SMEs in the age of Covid‑19

Posted in June 2020 on the Dial 9 blog

The world may not be the same for a while because of the Covid-19 pandemic, so it’s important for businesses to pause and acknowledge that. It’s also realistic to put...